Happy Mother's Day!

H A P P Y   M O T H E R S   D A Y ! So many different kinds of mothers; some similar to their children, some very different. Some best friends with their daughters, some strained for reasons I am sure they too can't articulate. Some adore their son's, some are mystified and still feel like the opposite sex is a mystery, so how the heck can I be sure of how I am to raise them "right".......

We know your mothers, many mothers. We come to know your mothers far more than you may always think we do. Secret coffee dates, chats on the phone and the little to large surprises they plan with us on the sidelines.

Regardless of your "kind" of relationship with your mother, I can tell you they are bursting at the seams with nerves, excitement, fear and love!

Give flowers, give hugs, do the dishes, go grocery shopping, rub their feet and kiss them on the cheek! And if YOU are a mother, well my dear, do absolutely nothing!

